
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thing 24...End or Beginning ?

I really enjoyed researching the many technological tools that are out there to use in classrooms.  There are many that I have never heard of or realized how they could be used in the Education World.  My 2 favorite Things I completed were Thing 21..Animoto and Thing 2...Creating an Avatar and Blog page.  These were the most fun to complete but every tool explored can be useful in the classroom or in our personal lives.  It has been a most interesting journey that's for sure!!:)

Thing 23...Be Responsible!!!

I searched 23 Things on the web and found numerous versions of this blog is so many places.  It is amazing that so many schools and organizations are participating in something like this. 
Now that I know about Creative Commons I plan to be a responsible researcher user and materials of which are not my own.  By using some one's pictures or artwork without asking or having permission is the same as stealing.  This should be taught to students when they start researching and using resource material so they understand how to do it responsibly.  By being a responsible example I will be showing them the correct and legal way to do things.

Thing 22...LiveBinders!!!

I chose to create a LiveBinder for Education: Common Core which consists of articles talking about how Common Core is being implemented and its effects.  I also put information in there that I myself have found over the last year.  I also found lesson plans that integrate Common Core targets as well.

The next LiveBinder I created is titled is General Education Tips.  This holds many lesson plans or assessment strategies that I uploaded.   This also has resources to use in the classroom such as letters to parents and weekly newsletters for students. This also contains articles by teachers on strategies and tips they found useful.
This a great resource to keep all of a subjects content organized.  By creating a LiveBinder you can keep artifacts to use forever and they are in one place. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thing 21...Animoto!!!

This is my link to my video on Animoto.  I used pictures from our Disney trip in 2011 and I love the way it looked.  This was so cool to do.  All I did was upload the photos and select the them and music and VOILA!!! I really like this program.  This is so neat to let kids explore and be creative with pictures and templates.  This could be used to do end of year projects for parents or for school programs.  Most of the time you can do slide shows but this was so much easier. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Thing 20...You Tube!!!

I have just discovered You Tube in the last couple of years and it is really a great site.  There is a lot of useless stuff on here, but some really great tools as well.  There are several teaching sites, one of which I have subscribed to called Maryland Learning Links.  This is one of their videos that I found very interesting on the subject of Inclusion.  Co-Teach 2011
I really like that I can type in mostly any educational topic and can find some very professional educational videos produced.  This is such a great tool to use for reflective practitioning, but also with your students.  Teachers can find content appropriate material for students using some of these videos in the classroom. This can act as an instruction using technology to keep all students interested.

Thing 19...Teacher Pop!!

I am now a member of Teacher Pop!! This is a really neat way to communicate with other teachers about current topics in education.   This a great way to discuss topics without the excess feed such as the ones found on Facebook.  Teachers can share strategies and new ideas to use in the classroom.  The only issue I have is the maintaining of this network.  There are some days when I do not get on Facebook so this may not be something I check daily.  But, regardless of how often someone checks this, it is still a great way to network with other educators.
I did find Teacher Librarian Ning interesting because it does have useful information that can be used in the classroom.  This enables teachers and other educators to communicate valuable strategies when teaching cross-curriculum lessons.  This site also shows ratings of literature that may be used in the classroom as well.  This could be very important information for teachers.
I am already a member of Good Reads and I use it all the time to find age appropriate literature for my children.  You can view ratings and information on what each book is about.  You can also form a discussion group that reflects on certain books that have been read without meeting face to face.

Thing 18...to Tweet or not to Tweet!!

I have had a Facebook account for some time, but until today I have never looked at Twitter.  Several of my friends have Twitter accounts and it does seem a little different in that people appear to constantly update their accounts for the behalf of their followers.   I originally set up a Facebook account to keep in touch with family members in other countries and states.  Now I see people using this to post recipes, decorating ideas, and informational websites.  The only issue I have with socializing sites is that you cannot control what other people post so the selection of your friends must be done responsibly.  I have several friends that are teachers or future teachers.  I enjoy seeing their posts on different ways they have decorated their classroom, lessons they have taught, or the updating of their educational journey.  This is a great way to keep in touch with colleagues, but also to share new ideas with other teachers.  Here is the link to my Facebook page.
Brooke's Facebook

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thing 17...Tagging!!!

I viewed several educational technology websites that were tagged in Delicious and found this very helpful.  If I want to know what type of information a website offers then I can judge it by the tags displayed.  I am not familiar myself with socially bookmarking material other than the website of the day activity, so I would need some exposure to this myself.  By tagging and then compiling like groups of websites or video you can keep your research or information organized.  This also helps in a collaborative way with other teachers who might tag professional development articles, websites, or seminars.  This a great tool to share ways to educational strategies or management tools that might be helpful top other teachers.  By making social bookmarking available all of the shared information is in one place. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thing 16...Organized!!

I chose the iGoogle start page because, to me, it looks fresh when I open my page.  It was not difficult setting either page up in iGoogle or Netvibes, but when I open the Netvibes page it looks like alot of information that I may not need.  I like that I can modify the theme of my page with the information I am interested in in each of these, but on this particular activity visual is more important to me.  I also thought a calendar is a good way to keep track of current and upcoming events to ensure nothing is forgotten.  The programs I observed were pretty straight forward calendar applications.  I did like 30 Boxes putting the forecast on the upcoming week on the calendar that was useful so you could see if you can plan outdoor lessons.  To-do lists are useful I just don't know if I would keep one online rather than in a planner book.   I do like Basecamp's program where you can download documents, view discussions, and compile your to-do list on the same page.  I did like the  MyStickies tool so that you can have daily reminders on your dashboard.  That would be a great tool to have in the classroom.  Google Docs and Spreadsheets is a great tool to use in  the classroom as well to compile data and create organizational documents for your class. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thing 15...WIKI WIKI!!!

This activity was interesting to see how collaboration can be integrated in communication board.  Blogging is a way to do this but this was neat to see how each member of a workspace can add/remove information that may have changed or is no longer needed.  This method keeps everyone updated on changes in just one click to view the workspace.  Someone would not have to worry about contacting every individual member.  This would be great when doing group projects in a class.  Each member would be able to maintain updates to the project so everyone can see the progress but participate as well.

Thing 14...Mindmap or Flowchart. How does my brain work?

I like the Bubbl. (mindmap).  This was an easy program in putting random bubbles to brainstorm through.  This is definitely a great program to do just that.  Brainstorm.  You can blow up the page with miscellaneous bubbles that may not connect with any other ideas but that first main bubble.  A flowchart program like Flowchart.com for example, is different.  This would be used when you want to show connections with your thoughts.  This program is great for organizing your thoughts on a project to bring some order to your brainstorming.  I love the Family Tree template as well as some of the more complicated ones.  It was really neat to to design a flow chart where some ideas are connected where others are not.  But, because of the chart you can see every "line" of connection with each.  In short, I like them both for different purposes.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thing Thirteen...Google Docs vs. Zoho Writer

I think that both of these tools are useful as an alternative to Microsoft Word or for the need of a thumb drive.  Zoho Writer appeared to be useful when collaborating on a document and it does have some of the same features as Google Docs but I did find Google Docs to be easier to manuever in.  I created a "presentation" or "powerpoint" in Microsoft terms.  It does seem pretty similar to the Powerpoint program.  However, I may be wrong but it did only offer to let me insert pictures of my own or off the internet.  There did not appear to be any "clip art" options.  I just may not have seen them though.  This is my presentation in Google Docs:   https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Kw--MFtWufGNl9161_lrAr8-oII7cTZiZUEps-sTspM/edit#slide=id.g3c8e4100_0_68

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Thing 9...Generators!!


I used Happy Face Generator because it was relatively easy to use and I found a smiley face that continued the theme of my page. This would be a great tool to use to get children interested in a presentation or lesson. Each of these generators appear to be attention grabbing tools and with young and older learners anything to grasp attention is a useful asset.
Baseball Jersey Image

I also used Image Chef because you could use different options in creating your image. I chose the baseball jersey because my kids play baseball and this is my jersey if I had one. This was really cool because you can create personalized images for your classrooms.

Thing 12...Google it!!

I set up a Google Alert where I will receive new articles or posts about Common Core Standards in Tn.  This tool was relatively easy to start.  Google Translate was an awesome tool because you can type in a sentence and view that translation in another language.  You can also see them in alternate languages or reverse them.  If you need to you can listen to the translated sentence as well.  This is really great and will come in handy with any ESL or ELL students you may have. 

Thing 11...Inspire Me!!

The method I found easiest to use was "Inspiration" because I would not want to read negative blogs on a daily basis.  I am not naive in thinking I will never come across a negative blog that may have some vital information within.  However, if I can choose what consistently greets me in my email , it would definitely be a positive blog not some continuous rant.  I found the Google Blog and Topix.net to be more resourceful.  I searched for Common Core Standards in each search tool and Technorati pulled up a minimal amount.  I found feeds in Google Blog that focused on the politics of the subject, but also blogs by teachers showing assessments they have used and ways to integrate the standards in all grade levels.  This tool allowed me to see teacher blogs that are similar to our class blogs.  Very interesting!! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Thing 10...Convenience!!

I absolutely love the idea of RSS and Google Reader.  This is such a great way to receive information in our field without having to search several sites to find what interests us.  I chose to subscribe to Education Week Teacher: News and Information for Teacher Leaders,
Cool Cat Teacher Blog,
TeacherTube - Teach the World,
Pass The Chalk: The TFA Blog, and
Teacher Created Tips
Each of these sites has valuable information pertaining to the education world.  Some provide news in current and upcoming events, and some provide collaboration from other teachers sharing new ideas including technology.  Two of the sites are blogs discussing different teaching techniques and hot topics in education.  I look forward to reading the posts that each of these send to my account.

Thing 8...Letters!!

letter WI chose to use Spell with Flickr because it was relatively easy.  You simply type in the word you to spell and it generates different alternatives.  If you don;t care for a particular letter you just click on it and another will be created.  This is a great way to "spice" things up or add a creative flair to ordinary words.  This can be used in presentations or decorations in rooms.  This was a cute and easy tool to use for a classroom in showing different ways letter can be portrayed. 
Cardboard green letter e
letter L
letter C
Ben Eine letter o
letter M
studio g Stamp Set Open Type Letter E

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thing 7...Photos!!


I chose a picture from Flickr "Sunset over Myrtle Beach", a picture taken of Myrtle Beach, SC posted by alan2onion.  My parents are from SC so we used to go there when I was a kid sometimes.  A couple of years ago I went with my parents and my own family.  I have seen many beaches, but this is by far my favorite.  It really depicts the beautiful sunset and the waves crashing as if you were there.  This is an awesome action shot.  This makes me want to go the beach!!:) 

This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.I would most definitely want to be credited for my own art work and photography.  I chose this picture in part because it gives consentual use of sharing.  This photographer allows the public to use this image as long as he is credited and it is used in a positive way.  Flickr allows people to use images for many different purposes.  A teacher can use pictures to add to a presentation or display different types of art work.  This a great resource tool.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Thing 6...ITUNES!!

After reviewing the award winning sites for technology, I chose ITunes because I can definitely see myself using this tool in my classroom.  If you need educational music, videos, movies, or even applications for classroom management they are available.  You can download educational television shows or books for technology devices in your classroom.  ITunes has so many educational tools available all at the click or touch of a button.

Thing 5...It's a Whole New World!

Reading about Web 2.0 makes me even more excited about learning different ways to use technology in the classroom.  Most students in schools today already know how to navigate, communicate, and learn from technology driven devices.  I see children everyday zooming through IPads, IPhones, and IPods.  I have seen the use of these devices assist in situations where verbal communication might not be possible without the help of these.  It is amazing what technology will be able to enhance in the education world.  With new ideas being created everyday students will have the advantage of becoming familiar with these in the classrooms as they learn.  I believe this will only improve the learning experience all together. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Things 4...Communication amongst Colleagues

Commenting on fellow teaching candidates' blogs is a great way to communicate new ideas and reflect on past experiences.  These comments on our blogs help us to learn new concepts from each other, and provide different avenues for our peers that they may not have found yet.  This gives us a sense of community and support in that we know we are learning these new techniques together.

I really enjoyed reading "10 Techniques to Get More Comments on Your Blog".  This, of course, is a great article with tips on how "to keep them coming back for more".  Both this page and "How to Comment Like a King (or Queen)" gave some very helpful advice in how to conduct oneself when communicating on a group blog.  Respectfulness, graciousness, and open-mindedness are some great tools to use during these blogs and comments from peers.

The 5 blogs from my class: 
Kelsi Clark "23 Clark Things...Words to Live By"
Kayla Crouch "Technology and Teaching with Mrs. Crouch"
Ava Jayne "Ava's 23 things at 32"
Cristina Evans, "Blair's 23 Things"
Cecily Brooks "Brooks's 23 Things"
 I am following 2 other from outside of our classroom,
Tammy Cruz "Tammy's Tales"
Kala Thomas "23 Things for Teachers"
I chose these blogs because some are familiar faces and some are new.:)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Thing 3...Blogging is fun!!

Blogging appears to be a communication between colleagues or friends who discuss topics daily or weekly.  This blog I am currently participating in is a great way for students, such as myself, to share ideas on different types of technological tools that may or may not assist in education.  I believe that a teacher can never have enough tools or knowledge in ways to improve their teaching.  I am certain that this blog will prove to be beneficial in introducing devices and methods in technology that I will utilize in the classroom I hope to teach in one day. 

In the classroom, a blog can be used for many avenues. A blog can used as a communication tool between both students and parents.  Information explaining objectives, class expectations, and daily assignments can be posted to maintain a great partnership in the education of their child.  Students can participate in a blog comparing books they have read which would motivate reading as well as writing and social skills.  A blog can act as a portfolio of the students' completed assignments over time.  A blog can be used to inspire creativity in thinking and writing, but most of all, I believe it would help to stay connected with your students and their individual needs.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Thing 2...I'm a princess?

In Thing #2, I used Blogger to create my blog page.  It was relatively pretty easy to navigate and set this up without too much difficulty.  I chose Mixon's Magical 23 Things, because the template I chose looked magical and it sounded like a fun "shop" you've stepped into and not just a blog page.  DoppleMe was an easy program to use and I had a lot of  fun creating myself in animation.  I chose looks similar to my own in that I have brown hair, green eyes, and I am short.  I did chose a different attire, because the clothes I typically dress in don't look very magical. So, I decided to go with a gown that appears to belong to Sleeping Beauty (which is one of my daughter's favorites), because what is more magical than a fairy tale princess? 

Thing 1...First Blog ever!!

Watching 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners was very insightful.  I feel that my best habit is "accept responsibility for your own learning". When I was in high school, several years ago, I did not put as much effort as I should have in my studies.  My teachers always spoke of how much potential I had, if only I wanted to exert it in my work.  Not until I was older, did I realize that I had to WANT to succeed, and as much as my teachers wanted me to do well, it was ultimately up to me how far I excelled. This is a value I instill in every aspect of my life.  I teach my children this as well so they will hopefully not have to look back and regret not reaching their full potential for lack of effort.   I have definitely brought that concept with me on this educational journey.

My weakest habit is  "use technology to your advantage". I admit that I do not use technology nearly as much as I could.  I have several devices that could make my life easier and less "cluttered", however, there are times when I do things myself because I am not confident in using technology for everything yet.  Creating this blog has been really fun. Making a page about my thoughts on devices and methods to use technology in the classroom is great.  I am looking forward to learning new ideas and observing the use of programs that I have not encountered yet.