
Monday, September 17, 2012

Thing 6...ITUNES!!

After reviewing the award winning sites for technology, I chose ITunes because I can definitely see myself using this tool in my classroom.  If you need educational music, videos, movies, or even applications for classroom management they are available.  You can download educational television shows or books for technology devices in your classroom.  ITunes has so many educational tools available all at the click or touch of a button.

Thing 5...It's a Whole New World!

Reading about Web 2.0 makes me even more excited about learning different ways to use technology in the classroom.  Most students in schools today already know how to navigate, communicate, and learn from technology driven devices.  I see children everyday zooming through IPads, IPhones, and IPods.  I have seen the use of these devices assist in situations where verbal communication might not be possible without the help of these.  It is amazing what technology will be able to enhance in the education world.  With new ideas being created everyday students will have the advantage of becoming familiar with these in the classrooms as they learn.  I believe this will only improve the learning experience all together. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Things 4...Communication amongst Colleagues

Commenting on fellow teaching candidates' blogs is a great way to communicate new ideas and reflect on past experiences.  These comments on our blogs help us to learn new concepts from each other, and provide different avenues for our peers that they may not have found yet.  This gives us a sense of community and support in that we know we are learning these new techniques together.

I really enjoyed reading "10 Techniques to Get More Comments on Your Blog".  This, of course, is a great article with tips on how "to keep them coming back for more".  Both this page and "How to Comment Like a King (or Queen)" gave some very helpful advice in how to conduct oneself when communicating on a group blog.  Respectfulness, graciousness, and open-mindedness are some great tools to use during these blogs and comments from peers.

The 5 blogs from my class: 
Kelsi Clark "23 Clark Things...Words to Live By"
Kayla Crouch "Technology and Teaching with Mrs. Crouch"
Ava Jayne "Ava's 23 things at 32"
Cristina Evans, "Blair's 23 Things"
Cecily Brooks "Brooks's 23 Things"
 I am following 2 other from outside of our classroom,
Tammy Cruz "Tammy's Tales"
Kala Thomas "23 Things for Teachers"
I chose these blogs because some are familiar faces and some are new.:)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Thing 3...Blogging is fun!!

Blogging appears to be a communication between colleagues or friends who discuss topics daily or weekly.  This blog I am currently participating in is a great way for students, such as myself, to share ideas on different types of technological tools that may or may not assist in education.  I believe that a teacher can never have enough tools or knowledge in ways to improve their teaching.  I am certain that this blog will prove to be beneficial in introducing devices and methods in technology that I will utilize in the classroom I hope to teach in one day. 

In the classroom, a blog can be used for many avenues. A blog can used as a communication tool between both students and parents.  Information explaining objectives, class expectations, and daily assignments can be posted to maintain a great partnership in the education of their child.  Students can participate in a blog comparing books they have read which would motivate reading as well as writing and social skills.  A blog can act as a portfolio of the students' completed assignments over time.  A blog can be used to inspire creativity in thinking and writing, but most of all, I believe it would help to stay connected with your students and their individual needs.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Thing 2...I'm a princess?

In Thing #2, I used Blogger to create my blog page.  It was relatively pretty easy to navigate and set this up without too much difficulty.  I chose Mixon's Magical 23 Things, because the template I chose looked magical and it sounded like a fun "shop" you've stepped into and not just a blog page.  DoppleMe was an easy program to use and I had a lot of  fun creating myself in animation.  I chose looks similar to my own in that I have brown hair, green eyes, and I am short.  I did chose a different attire, because the clothes I typically dress in don't look very magical. So, I decided to go with a gown that appears to belong to Sleeping Beauty (which is one of my daughter's favorites), because what is more magical than a fairy tale princess? 

Thing 1...First Blog ever!!

Watching 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners was very insightful.  I feel that my best habit is "accept responsibility for your own learning". When I was in high school, several years ago, I did not put as much effort as I should have in my studies.  My teachers always spoke of how much potential I had, if only I wanted to exert it in my work.  Not until I was older, did I realize that I had to WANT to succeed, and as much as my teachers wanted me to do well, it was ultimately up to me how far I excelled. This is a value I instill in every aspect of my life.  I teach my children this as well so they will hopefully not have to look back and regret not reaching their full potential for lack of effort.   I have definitely brought that concept with me on this educational journey.

My weakest habit is  "use technology to your advantage". I admit that I do not use technology nearly as much as I could.  I have several devices that could make my life easier and less "cluttered", however, there are times when I do things myself because I am not confident in using technology for everything yet.  Creating this blog has been really fun. Making a page about my thoughts on devices and methods to use technology in the classroom is great.  I am looking forward to learning new ideas and observing the use of programs that I have not encountered yet.